Fee Mechanism

There are two types of fees that managers can charge -

  1. Performance Fee Performance fee will be capped at 10% (1000 ATRT) and at the time of vault initialization, it will be set to 250 ATRT(2.5%).

    The performance fee will be applied to directly all the fees collected from Uniswap v3 pool. For example, if 1000 of token0 and 500 of token1 are collected in fees and performance fee is 250 ATRT (2.5%) then the fee credited to manager in token 0 is 1000 * (250 / 10000) = 25 and in token1 is 500 * (250 / 1000) = 12.5.

  2. Management Fee The managing fee at the time of vault initialization will be set to 0%, but it can be set up to 1% (100 ATRT). Both of these fees are credited to state variables of managerBalance0 and managerBalance1. The managing fee will be applied on the notional value of the equity tokens being burned. For example, after burning equity tokens the amount of token0 and token1 shares calculated for the exiting user is 2000 of token0 and 1500 of token1, and the managing fee is 0.5% (50 ATRT) then the fee credited to manager in token0 is 2000 * (50 / 10000) = 10 and in token1 is 1500 * (50 / 10000) = 7.5

Last updated